Reported TimeIP Address Port Route # PlayersPlayer Names
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920230-0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920925-0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920739-0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920697-0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920709LINEA SARMIENTO TA0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920613-0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920715-0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920987-0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:41 PM162.254.144.19920752-0N/A
2/6/2025 8:46:42 PM162.254.144.19920722-0N/A

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